工作室 Studio : Lucky’s Studio (Apolo Electronics Company Limited)

地址 Address : 沙田火炭坳背灣街34-36號 豐盛工業中心A座17樓8室 Unit 8, 17/F, Block A, Veristrong Industrial Centre, 34-36 Au Pui Wan Street,Fotan

電話 Telephone : 92279264

WhatsApp : 92279264

網址 Website : aovoto.com/

IG : apolo._.gallery

媒體工作 Media work : 數碼藝術 Digital Art

簡介 Introduction :


在我們的周圍,無數的現象無聲地訴說著時間的流逝。行星,天空中的那些圓 形球體,以其完美的形式向我們揭示了引力的秘密。它們之所以呈圓形,是因 為它們自身的引力均勻地將物質向中心聚集,形成近似球形。作為我們賴以生 存的星球,地球的公轉和傾斜不僅為我們帶來了一年四季的變化,也讓我們深 刻體會到了時間的節奏。

每一天,我們都會感知時間。從日出和日落的自然週期,到格林威治標準時間 的精確測量,再到我們體內生理時鐘的微妙調節,時間以各種方式滲透到我們 的生活中。我們的眼睛、耳朵、鼻子、嘴巴和皮膚因為食物的味道和質感,都 能感受到時間的流逝:例如陳皮的香氣、醃蘿蔔的酥脆、起司蛋糕的綿密,都 提醒時間在我們的生活中留下的痕跡。 藝術作為人類情感的載體,也與時代有著密切的連結。歌劇和音樂等藝術形式 的魅力遠不止於透過頻率和幅度的變化來表達情感和美感。他們也承載著文化 、歷史和文學內涵。每件作品記錄下來特定歷史和文化,讓我們在多年後仍能 感受到當時的情感、張力和場景。

在這個瞬息萬變的時代,培養對時間和藝術的敏感度顯得格外重要。我們可以 透過冥想、攝影和動手製作,深度體驗生活之美。這些活動不僅幫助我們更沉 浸在當下,也可讓我們與他人分享我們對美的感受和理解。每個人的感受都是 獨一無二的,而且每天都在改變。數位藝術為我們提供了一個全新的平台,讓 我們能夠以更多元化和創新的方式表達和體驗時間的美學。透過分享和交流, 我們可以共同探索這個無限可能的領域,讓藝術讓生活變得更加豐富多彩。

Lucky’s Studio STEM( science, technology, engineering and mathematics)系 列套件藉由攝影及外殼面板構建一個創意數碼音頻播放平台,彷彿是一幅無形 的畫布,等待著有心人去賦予其生命。編程、燒錄功能為使用者提供了一個令 人興奮的創作平台。這項功能讓使用者不僅可以播放數碼預設的內容,還能將 自己的創作內容燒錄到記憶體中,實現個性化的音樂聆聽體驗。

這種個性化的燒錄功能使得每一個DIY套件都能成為一個獨一無二的音樂藝術 品。這樣的功能不僅僅是播放音樂,欣賞圖畫及照片,更是讓使用者通過自己 的故事、聲音、創作與DIY套件互動。無論是在家庭聚會上播放特殊的音樂, 還是分享自己的音樂創作作品,都可以通過這個功能輕鬆實現。這種個性化的 燒錄功能將DIY套件推向了更加豐富和具有深度的藝術體驗。數位藝術並不是 一個孤立的現象。它是我們生活和文化不可或缺的一部分,與我們的情感、想 法和價值觀密切相關。因此,我們應該積極參與數位藝術的創作和欣賞,讓它 深刻而美好地改變我們的生活。

歡迎參觀Lucky的數位藝術工作室! Lucky 年輕時曾任職數位 IC 設計師,現在 她的創意範圍擴大到了專注於故事及音樂創作、音頻播放和能量轉換的 STEM 套件。例如media station , DAB / FM radio 和 intelligent power module。 Lucky 致力於將 STEM 教育、數位藝術和永續能源解決方案相結合,使她的工 作室成為創客及年輕學習者獨特且令人興奮的地方。透過她的 STEM 套件,創 客們有機會探索科學、技術、工程、數學和藝術領域,欣賞音樂同時享受生活 的樂趣??

Digital Art and Aesthetics of Time

In our surroundings, countless phenomena silently tell the passage of time. Planets, those spherical objects in the sky, reveal the secrets of gravity to us through their perfect forms. They are round because their own gravity uniformly pulls matter towards the center, forming an approximate sphere. As the planet we rely on for survival, the Earth's rotation and tilt not only bring us the changes of the four seasons but also allow us to deeply experience the rhythm of time.

Every day, we perceive time. From the natural cycles of sunrise and sunset to the precise measurements of Greenwich Mean Time, to the subtle adjustments of our internal biological clocks, time permeates our lives in various ways. It can be sensed the magic of time through the taste and texture of food by our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin. We love the aroma of aged tangerine peel, the crispy texture of pickled radish, the creamy texture of cheesecake, and all remind us of the traces left by time in our lives. Art, as a carrier of human emotions, is also closely linked to the era. The charm of art forms such as opera and music goes beyond expressing emotions and aesthetics through variations in frequency and amplitude. They also carry cultural, historical, and literary connotations. Each work records a specific history and culture, allowing us to still feel the emotions, tensions, and scenes of that time many years later.

In this fast-changing era, cultivating sensitivity to time and art becomes particularly important. We can deeply experience the beauty of life through meditation, photography, and hands-on creation. These activities not only help us immerse ourselves in the present moment but also allow us to share our feelings and understanding of beauty with others. Each person's experience is unique and ever-changing. Digital art provides us with a new platform to express and experience the aesthetics of time in more diverse and innovative ways. Through sharing and communication, we can explore this infinitely possible field together, making art enrich our lives with more colors. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) series kits help to build a creative digital audio playback platform through photography and shell panels, like an invisible canvas waiting for the maker with a heart to give it life by Lucky’s studio now. Programming and content upload functions provide users with an exciting creative platform. This feature allows users not only to play digital preloaded content but also to upload their own creative content into the memory, achieving a personalized music listening experience.

This personalized uploading function makes each DIY kit a unique music artwork. This feature is not just about playing music, viewing pictures, and photos, but also about interacting with the DIY kit through user’s own stories, sounds, and creations. Whether it's playing special music at a family gathering or sharing user’s own music creations, it can be easily achieved through this feature. This personalized function takes DIY kits to a more rich and profound artistic experience. Digital art is not an isolated phenomenon. It is an integral part of our life and culture, closely related to our emotions, thoughts, and values. Therefore, we should actively participate in the creation and appreciation of digital art, allowing it to profoundly and beautifully change our lives.

Welcome to Lucky's Digital Art Studio! Lucky used to work as a digital IC designer when she was young. Now, her creative range has expanded to focus on storytelling, music composition, audio playback, and energy conversion STEM kits, such as media stations, DAB+/FM radios, and intelligent power modules.

Lucky is committed to combining STEM education, digital art, and sustainable energy solutions, making her studio a unique and exciting place for makers and young learners. Through her STEM kits, makers have the opportunity to explore the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and art, appreciating music while enjoying the pleasures of life...

Lucky's resume:
1992 IC designer of HKASIC
2001 Cofounder of LS Electronics Co. Ltd
2013 Founder of Apolo Electronics Co. Ltd
2023 Cofounder of Alano Power Pty Ltd

藝術家 Artist :

Lucky Chen, 何龍軒, 梁志雄 Albert

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